
Showing posts from November, 2020

YIIKI Bolero 2020

Yiiki Bolero Hello my friends. It has been 8weeks since I departed Lagos. I have missed writing you as things have happened so fast and creative work has been so so intense ...... October came with so many mixed feelings. News from the home(Nigeria) About the #endsars protest and  front like everywhere around the world too wasn’t great. Wahala everywhere.  Touring Plans have changed slightly again as lockdown 2.0 hits Europe. This 2020 ehnnnnn. I take solace knowing that I am not in this alone as we pray the World heals.  Visit to the school of dance Ecole Edit   Taking a dance class with irene Tssambedo and her assistant Serge Antounkou Somé Asides all the negativity I found time to enjoy some unforgettable experiences. A wedding  of my friend Eric Nebbie popularly known as(kirikou).  A birthday party of my beloved TonTon (Uncle) in  Burkina, Jean Baptiste Guiard Schmid . where I met the World heavy weight body building champion IRON BIBY.