
Showing posts from January, 2021

FIDO 2021

3,2,1........Allez Gloria! 6weeks after YIKKI AFRICA BOLÉRO, 4weeks since the start of  my residency at the ecole edit and I am billed to perform at the 9th edition of FIDO themed PRIVATIONS DE LIBERTES  FIDO is internationally renowned as a major cultural event in Burkina Faso and a highpoint of the yearly African dance calendar.   I am excited to be presenting not 1,not 2 but 3 hugely expressive dance pieces for public viewing at the festival.  1) YIKKI will be live at the opening ceremony of FIDO on the 23rd of January 2021 at Institut Français ( if you missed it’s premiere, here is another opportunity.)  2) Whilst enjoying my residency at ecole edit a duo performance was created with me and it features Evarest Tassembedo. It is a work in progress yet we are excited to present it to you on the 25th at Grin des Arts Vivants 3) ILÉ meaning life chronicles the struggles of a female child from birth to death. Choreographed and interpreted by Biac...